Master the challenges of the future with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.
digital transformation and make your team fit for innovation development.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: Your solution for complex challenges

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a co-creative process to develop innovative strategies and ideas for complex issues. In our LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops, we work with your team to make visions tangible in the shortest possible time.

Lego-Model aus einem LSP-Workshop
Viele Legosteine durcheinander

Advantages of your customized LEGO® workshop

  • Provides a deep and long-lasting understanding through the combination of physical activity and thought processes
  • Leads to insightful and honest discussions through the process of building and subsequent storytelling
  • Improves teamwork because everyone is involved
  • Ensures better communication
  • Reveals unconscious knowledge
  • Simply fun

Offer LEGO® Workshop

Whether team development, retro design, innovation process, corporate strategy or digital transformation – with our LEGO® workshops you will receive your solution strategy for your question:

  • Coordinated objectives
  • Moderated workshop (on-site or remote) with guided process to develop profound strategies and innovations
  • Documentation of content & recommendations for the next steps

Ask for our LEGO® workshop packages!

Senior Manager Sales & Business Development

Yasin Demiraslan

Senior Manager Sales & Business Development

+49 7141 3 77 00 0

Ka Hoa Lam, Manager Sales & Business Development

Ka Hoa Lam

Manager Sales & Business Development

+49 7141 3 77 00 0