our ux-showcases

Solutions made by UID impress with their simple operation and positive user experience. In over 25 years, we have realized more than 4,500 projects in the consumer, enterprise, industry, medical and mobility sectors. Take a look at selected success stories!

Display Thermomix von Vorwerk

Thermomix TM6®: Smart cooking

Take the successful controls of its predecessor TM5, add long-awaited cooking functions and a larger, modern touch display and spice it all up with a new UI design in the Vorwerk® brand style. The result: an incomparable experience that opens up new cooking horizons with the integrated Cookidoo® recipe portal – honored with three design awards.

Frau hält Glühbirne in der Hand

Badenova: Energizing the digital age

From electricity supplier to digital energy service provider – that is Badenova’s mission. One thing is clear: the path to the digital age begins with the customer. Badenova is therefore focusing on consistent customer centricity and increasing digitalization throughout the company. Our market and user study laid an important strategic foundation for the change process. Building on this, we presented initial ideas and visions for a successful digital transformation.

Vorwerk Saugroboter Kobold

Vorwerk – Kobold

UI concept and UX design

The app for the Kobold robot vacuum cleaner from Vorwerk provides real-time status information and enables real-time, feedback interaction. The visualization in the app is based on the design language of the robot to ensure a consistent and intuitive user experience.

UI Miele Haushaltsgerät

Miele Generation 6000 kitchen appliances

UI concept, process consulting, prototyping, specification

Simple and convincingly logical across all products: this is the new convenient operating world of the 6000 generation of appliances from Miele. Whether steam cooker, oven or dishwasher – all kitchen appliances have a standardized operating logic thanks to UID. We provided the premium manufacturer with advice and concentrated UX expertise along the way.

Präsentationsslide aus dem UX Training

Atruvia: Improve complex banking journeys with UX training

Banking applications must be secure and effective. Atruvia focuses on user centricity and trains its employees with UID’s UX experts. Atruvia’s UX maturity level is sustainably increased through intensive training.

Screen der Abas-Anwendung auf Desktop

ABAS: ERP software

We conceived and designed a web client for the abas ERP system. The project was full of demanding challenges for the UID experts – from keyboard operation on the web to a scalable design and localization.

Verschiedene Screengrößen der Apothekenanwendung für Pharmatechnik

Pharmatechnik: Pharmacy of the future

Close in person and digital at the same time: Pharmatechnik and UID bring the pharmacy from the corner into the digital world. Scanning prescriptions conveniently via app, ordering medication around the clock and maintaining personal contact with pharmacy staff – users of the new platform for local pharmacies from Pharmatechnik can do all of this.



UX concept & design

The user-centered redesign of the user interface for Managed File Transfer (MFT) focused on its main functions. We reduced the visual complexity and thus created orientation for the user. The result: a fresh and friendly design with a clearly defined color scheme and a new icon family.

Screen Logistk-Software viastore


UI concept, design, style guide, consulting during development

2,500 logistics functions and numerous output devices – this was the challenge viastore and UID faced when redesigning the viadat 9.0 warehouse software. The result is a modular user interface design that optimally supports all user groups across all devices. Thanks to the new user interface, viastore is now a big step ahead of the competition.

Ergebnis Discovery Sprint für Merck auf Miroboard

Merck: Remote Discovery Sprints

The digitalization of an HR process at MERCK is driven by a creative online design sprint. The aim is to simplify and digitize the filling of strategic positions with appealing visualization of large amounts of data, provided via tablet.

Screen Design HMI Harmonisierung Dürr

Dürr Systems: Consistent at all levels

Consistency at all levels of production – this is guaranteed by Dürr’s one-size-fits-all visualization solution DXQequipment.operation / DXQcontrol. Since 2015, UID has been supporting Dürr Systems AG in standardizing the look and feel of its user interfaces in robot, process and assembly technology. The result is based on many years of trusting cooperation.

Screenentwurf für Verpackungsmaschinen von Optima

Optima: User-centricity repackaged

Different user groups with different skills in four business areas? No longer a problem for OPTIMA GmbH: whether for the packaging of medicines, cosmetic products or foodstuffs – all machines will have a uniform look and feel in future. UID made this possible together with OPTIMA.


UX concept, design

The Hei-VAP rotary evaporator makes everyday laboratory work easier for researchers when distilling and separating liquids. The user interface is characterized by ease of use and outstanding design quality – as the Red Dot Design Award 2020 shows.

Screen SChubert


UX concept, UX design, data visualization

“GRIPS.world combines service benefits with modern design and consistent user orientation. This puts our customers in an excellent position to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0!”

Marcel Kiesling, Gerhard Schubert GmbH

TRUMPF Track&Trace: Indoor localization solution

The UX design and the implementation of the indoor localization system “Track & Trace” enable intuitive operation. Orders can be easily linked to markers and precisely localized on the shop floor using the desktop or mobile application.

Swisstom: Insights into the lungs

The Swisstom electrode belt measures breathing in individual lung regions and – unlike traditional methods – displays this continuously in real time. We prepared this complex medical data in such a way that it can be recorded quickly and interpreted reliably.

Qiagen: Attractive all-rounder

The QIAGEN rapid test reader uses test strips to analyze liquids according to various characteristics. The concept developed by UID makes optimum use of the 4-inch display with embedded device and is therefore suitable for any operating situation – whether in the laboratory, at the doctor’s surgery or on police patrol. The fresh design stands out in the medical environment and is an eye-catcher.

MedicalOne Connect

One platform – all medical stakeholders networked

Together with our sister company BAYOOMED, we offer MedicalOne Connect: the platform integrates and connects all stakeholders in the healthcare sector. GDPR-compliant, the DTx platform offers treatment plans and utilises AI and machine learning. The MedicalOne Connect DTx platform also enables healthcare stakeholders to create customised apps for their patients or customers. The matching cross-platform Skeleton app offers all the standard features of a companion app.

Screens der Skeleton App

Research project “DR. BEAT”

Concept development from prototype to medical application, data visualisation, user studies

How do you design future technologies for the users and the market of today and tomorrow? In the research project ‘DR. BEAT’ (Digital Research on Balistocardiography for Extraterrestical And Terrestical use), we are combining space technology with medical technology. The focus of the project was on the user-centred further development of a ballistocardiographic sensor system for the diagnosis of heart disease.

Concept Dr. BEAT
Screen des User Interfaces von IBA Dosimetry

IBA Dosimetry

UI concept, UX design, MVP implementation and documentation

With DOSE-X, IBA Dosimetry provides a portable electrometer with a workflow-optimized user interface. Focusing on the most important functions, the UID team created an intuitive interface that even exceeds the IEC 60731 standards. Remote access is possible, all APIs have been fully documented. Users benefit from a light and dark mode for comfortable working depending on the lighting conditions.

User Research Szene vor Sanofi Logo

Sanofi Software

UX design, user research and consulting

How much insulin has a patient injected? How do blood glucose levels change throughout the day? The MyStar Connect® software for diabetes therapy from Sanofi answers these questions. For one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, we developed a user interface that doctors and patients understand. With the dashboard, all important values can be recorded quickly – for more safety and success in diabetes therapy.

VR App im OP: HoloMed

HoloMed: Augmented reality app

The AR app optimally supports surgeons in the OR and makes brain surgery safer and more efficient. It helps to determine the puncture point and angle of the puncture needle. HoloMed uses data from CT or MRI scans to calculate a 3D model of the brain. This is placed over the patient’s head with millimeter precision through the AR glasses and precisely displays deep-seated, invisible structures. HoloMed superimposes virtual graphic elements into the surgeon’s field of vision. This means they know how to guide the needle optimally.

LIEBHERR Screen in Krankabine

LIEBHERR: Aiming high with a new operating system

In wind and weather, day and night: operating a tower crane must be safe and precise. This is exactly what LIEBHERR and UID have achieved together: With the new system, fitters and crane operators can navigate conveniently through a well thought-out menu structure. It supports a clear design with unmistakable icons.



User research, concept

In the ESSEM research project, we are working with partners from science, industry and cities to investigate which factors influence cyclists’ sense of safety. By collecting environmental and personal data, we derive ideas to improve the cycling infrastructure and make navigation less stressful – for safe and comfortable cycling.


UX Design

UID developed a reference user interface for the navigation solution from software provider Elektrobit (EB). To do this, we created 100 screens in a day and night skin in a color scheme developed for EB and adapted 400 icons. For the high-quality design, we used elements from the car cockpit. Another special feature: The new interface is designed in such a way that it can be easily adapted to the corporate design of EB customers.

Das User Interface des intelligenten Mobility-Assistenten von BOSCH.

Bosch Mobility Assistant

Our project with Bosch Mobility shows how creative methods can support the development of digital solutions: The project focused on the question “How can we make various mobility services quickly and spontaneously accessible?” At the beginning, it was still completely open as to which direction it would take. One thing was clear: it was to be an app.

In four weeks, a convincing strategy and a well thought-out UX design had to be in place and prove themselves in an important management presentation. We met this challenge with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY method.

Start your project for the perfect user experience! We are happy to advise you!

Franz Koller, CEO bei UID

Franz Koller

Director Sales & Business Development

+49 7141 3 77 00 21

Ralph Siegert, CEO der UID GmbH

Ralph Siegert


+49 7141 3 77 00 915